Thought for the day

Lovely blossoms open when they’re ready. Attending births is like growing roses. You have to marvel at the ones that
just open up and bloom at the first kiss of the sun, but you wouldn’t dream
of pulling open the petals of the tightly closed buds, and forcing them to
blossom to your time line.
-Gloria Lemay

The end of pregnancy is just a waiting game. And I am happy to wait as long as it takes for my bumble bee to come when she’s ready.

Love to you all

Mummy Bee

Yes, I am STILL pregnant

“Has she not made her appearance yet?”
“I bet your fed up”
“Your so big”
“Any news”
“Felt any twinges?”


Yes, I am still pregnant. Of course she hasn’t made an appearance yet. Of course I’m fed up that I haven’t gone into labor yet. Thanks, I’ve always wanted to look really big and people feeling the need to tell me. No news, do you think I’d be standing here talking to you still pregnant if there was? TWINGES?! If you call severe SPD which cripples me in my sleep making it impossible to get out of bed for a wee then yes. But labor pains? Again, I wouldn’t be standing here fake smiling through your persistent, repetitive and predictable questions.

Why is it that a stranger in the street asking you these types of questions then feels the need or thinks they possess the right to grope your belly pushing and prodding followed by their opinion on weight, gender and birth date?! It drives me insane! Everyone who has ever had a baby (even if it was over 50 years ago) thinks they are an expert on pregnancy and labor.
I am slightly upset and emotional at the moment. Every woman surely is once their due date comes and goes. But I’m perfectly happy to carry on my everyday business waiting until my baby wants to arrive.

What I can’t stand is the world and its wife telling me what I should do to make her come. I’ve tried all the common ones to ‘home induce’, which might I add is a load of bollocks. Ladies out there don’t put yourself through it all. It just made me exhausted, deflated and hurt! Sex for me is uncomfortable at the moment, walking makes my SPD flare up and raspberry leaf tea makes me gag. Why do us women feel the need to be put under pressure by society to get YOUR OWN baby out by everyone else’s schedule.

I know it will only be a maximum of 1 and a half weeks before I am induced and that is not long so in the mean time I’m going to chill out, shut the curtains, turn the phone off and wait for my little bumble bee to come.

Sorry for the rant! Hormones must be everywhere….

Love to you all
Mummy Bee

Due date has come and gone…

This pregnancy seems like it has dragged out forever. I cant remember the feeling of not having a bubbly baby inside my belly or the ability to bend in the middle. I’m totally done. I’m lethargic, bored and stressed out to the max. For 9 months the only thing on my mind is being a parent for the first time. Now I am overwhelmed by life in general. I have so many thoughts in my head, so many ideas to make my life a success. 

In the next 10 years I need to create a stable life for my family. And I cant sit wishing that it will happen all by itself. I have to be proactive with life and go and do things that I want to do in order to create this life. I have life goals that I have set out to complete in the next 10 years;

-Get a qualification in a usable skill/profession

-Get a job in that sector and climb the career ladder

-Buy a house

-Get married

-Create savings for our future


These things in my mind have to be achieved in order for my life to be what I wanted it to be. With a newborn and coping with the responsibility of a child at a young age makes these goals impossible but I am determined to make it, for all of our sakes.

As soon as it was announced that I was pregnant, no one seemed surprised. All assumed being a mother is all I would become.

But that is not me, I am going to make our family into something great. Starting with being proactive and making career choices for the future. In 5 years time, they will all look and stare, but for different reasons. For the fact that I have everything, a thriving career and a beautiful family. That is the day I have the last laugh. 

The next couple of years is going to be hard, its going to be full of sacrifices and choices but I am determined for it to have the inevitable outcome of a life which I can call a success. 

Today is the first day for the rest of my life, I am sad that it has taken 9 months for me to realise that nothing falls on your lap. I am the only one who can go and make it happen for myself. I am expecting my beautiful bumble bee YESTERDAY and I have been impatient to meet her. Maybe she’s holding out for her mummy to get it together and start the rest of our lives.

First step : Careers advice interview tomorrow……

Keep watching big things happening sooooooon.

Love to you all

Mummy Bee 

Introducing Mummy Bee, Daddy Bee and Bumble Bee

Still in shock, anticipation and excitement to meet our little bumble bee.

Let me start off by introducing myself. I’m Mummy Bee, 18 and expecting our little bumble bee in 5 weeks’ time. I live with my lovely boyfriend (Daddy Bee) in our cosy little flat all nested awaiting our arrival in the summer. We are the Bumble Bee’s, named by my boyfriend due to my apparent likeness to a dopey bee when woken up in the morning, it’s kind of stuck.

Let me take you back to the beginning of our story. It was November 2012; I had just turned 18, madly in love and had big dreams for my future. My boyfriend and I decided to get our own place and start our lives together so we moved into our 1 bedroom ground floor flat in a nice area, both in good jobs and both happy. I was so excited, just turned 18, the wildest summer of my life has just come to an end and it would be the first time that I had lived away from home.

The day we got the keys, both of us couldn’t contain our excitement. We opened the door and my boyfriend jokingly carried me over the threshold. The next part was a blur but to cut a long story short it resulted in a positive pregnancy test the following month.

I was shocked and scared sitting in our bathroom petrified at how to break the news. So I went off to work and texted him instead with a blunt message reading “I’m pregnant” not knowing what to expect. However the reply; a happy, ecstatic, shocked father to be typical message ended up in my inbox. I was over the moon, still in a state of shock but nevertheless excited at the prospect of starting my own family with my first and only love.

I now fast forward you 8 months, to the present. I am a mere reflection of that naive 18 year old both mentally and physically. I am now a realistic, practical and matured individual prepared as anyone can be for motherhood. I am so excited for our future as a family and in turn have sacrificed some of my original hopes and dreams of my future. However, I tend to positively view it as I have acquired a new life goal which is to be the best mother and girlfriend I can possibly be.

I have changed tremendously in the last 8 months. I am no longer the size 10, made up and superficial young girl. My body has changed dramatically; a toned body swapped for a round stretchmark mess. No longer am I the stylish fashionista that blew my wages in top shop, I now reside in oversized, comfy maternity wear.

I am disappointed in the lack of care and consideration in the public health service for young mothers facing pregnancy and their rapidly changing bodies. I am one of the lucky ones, although my oversized swollen breasts and stretch-marked skin bothers me greatly I have a supportive partner who reassures me every day. Some young mothers to be unfortunately do not have that supportive network throughout their pregnancy. I was often dismissed when I mentioned these fears of my changing body to my specialised teenage midwife who I feel is deeply disappointing. This is something I feel very passionate about and intend to write more on this matter in due course.

This blog is for all those mothers who found news of their pregnancy a shock, but nevertheless want to be the best mother they can be. I trawled the net for someone in the same situation as me that I could relate to, which I failed to find. Hence the reason to create this blog, partly to outlet my own thoughts and feelings but with hopes to find other young mothers forced to grow up before their time. I intend to write about things that I am passionate about, motherhood, family life, creating a home and teenage issues.

Get in touch and keep reading!


Mummy Bee
